iPlayMusic Beginner Guitar Lessons - Level 1

In this video guitar lesson, learn guitar today with iPlayMusic, the perfect way for beginners of all ages to learn guitar! The iPlayMusic method is the most fun, simple, and easy way to learn and enjoy guitar.

Guitar Anatomy (01:29) - Learn the basic parts of a guitar.
How to Hold Your Guitar (01:19) - Master proper guitar posture and positioning.
String, Fret, & Finger Numbering (02:08) - Understand the basics of string and fret numbering.
Making Sound (03:46) - Learn how to produce sound on the guitar.
Tuning the Guitar (06:47) - Tune your guitar for optimal sound quality.
Practice Playing Strings (02:09) - Begin practicing playing individual guitar strings.
Constructing Chords (03:00) - Explore the fundamentals of constructing chords.
A Major Chord (00:50) - Master the A major chord shape.
G Major Chord (00:36) - Learn to play the G major chord.
D Major Chord (00:50) - Practice the D major chord shape.
Strumming Basics (02:03) - Understand the basics of strumming technique.
Practice Drill (02:17) - Engage in a strumming practice drill.
Strumming Pattern 1 (01:42) - Learn a basic strumming pattern.
Strumming Pattern 2 (01:37) - Explore another strumming pattern variation.
Chord Transitions (01:58) - Practice transitioning between chords smoothly.
Practice Chords (02:11) - Dedicate time to practicing chord shapes.
Finger Strength (01:11) - Develop finger strength exercises for improved playing.
"Sloop John B." Lesson (01:44) - Receive instruction on playing "Sloop John B."
"Sloop John B." Song Playthrough (02:02) - Play through "Sloop John B." with guidance.
"Corrina, Corrina" Lesson (01:53) - Learn how to play "Corrina, Corrina."
"Corrina, Corrina" Song Playthrough (01:42) - Play "Corrina, Corrina" following along.
C Major Chord (00:50) - Master the C major chord shape.
A Minor Chord (00:30) - Learn to play the A minor chord.
E Minor Chord (00:24) - Practice the E minor chord shape.
Making Music (half speed) (01:47) - Practice playing music at a slower pace.
Making Music (01:34) - Continue practicing making music on the guitar.
Riff 1 (01:33) - Learn a simple guitar riff.
GCD Jam (01:24) - Practice playing the G, C, and D chords together.
Warm Up (00:33) - Warm up your fingers with this exercise.
Barre Chord 1 (02:59) - Introduce the concept of barre chords.
Practice Barre Chord 1 (02:43) - Dedicate time to practicing barre chord techniques.
Barre Chord 2 (02:34) - Learn another barre chord shape.
Practice Barre Chord 2 (01:52) - Further practice barre chord techniques.
Moving Barre Chords (01:16) - Explore moving barre chord shapes up and down the neck.
F Major Chord (00:59) - Master the F major chord shape.
Rock Strumming 1 (01:53) - Begin learning basic rock strumming patterns.
Rock Transition 1 (01:50) - Practice transitioning between rock chords.
Rock Jam 1 (00:33) - Jam along with a basic rock chord progression.
A7 Chord (00:41) - Learn the A7 chord shape.
D7 Chord (00:25) - Practice playing the D7 chord.
E Major Chord (00:28) - Master the E major chord shape.
E7 Chord (00:31) - Learn to play the E7 chord.
Swing Feel (01:12) - Explore the swing feel in guitar playing.
Blues Strumming 1 (01:30) - Begin learning basic blues strumming patterns.
Blues Transition 1 (01:36) - Practice transitioning between blues chords.
Blues Jam 1 (01:30) - Jam along with a basic blues chord progression.
Country Strumming (01:55) - Learn basic country strumming patterns.Learn basic country strumming patterns.
Country Transition 1 (01:48) - Practice transitioning between country chords.
Country Jam 1 (01:20) - Jam along with a basic country chord progression.
Power Chord 1 (01:08) - Introduce the concept of power chords.
Muting Power Chord 1 (01:06) - Learn techniques for muting power chords.
Power Chord 2 (00:58) - Explore another variation of power chords.
Metal Strumming 1 (02:07) - Begin learning basic metal strumming patterns.
Metal Transition 1 (02:07) - Practice transitioning between metal chords.
Metal Transition 2 (01:12) - Explore additional metal chord transitions.
Metal Jam (01:44) - Jam along with a basic metal chord progression.
"Midnight Special" Lesson (01:36) - Receive instruction on playing "Midnight Special."
"Midnight Special" Song Playthrough (01:44) - Play through "Midnight Special" with guidance.
"Salty Dog" Lesson (01:48) - Learn how to play "Salty Dog."
"Salty Dog" Song Playthrough (01:33) - Play "Salty Dog" following along.
"Will the Circle Be Unbroken" Lesson (01:57) - Receive instruction on playing "Will the Circle Be Unbroken."
"Will the Circle Be Unbroken" Song Playthrough (01:43) - Play through "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" with guidance.
Riff 1 Expanded (03:19) - Expand upon the previously learned guitar riff.
A Major Alt. Fingering (01:08) - Explore alternative fingerings for the A major chord.
Riff 2 - Rock (01:16) - Learn another rock guitar riff.
Riff 3 - Mellow (01:55) - Discover a mellow guitar riff for practice.
D Minor Chord (00:33) - Master the D minor chord shape.
G7 Chord (00:26) - Learn the G7 chord shape.
Stringing the Guitar (01:59) - Learn how to string a guitar properly.