iZotope RX 5 Explained

iZotope's RX 5 Audio Editor is in a class by itself when it comes to repairing, restoring, and enhancing audio. Likewise, Mike Thornton, Aka MR. Rx It, offers you the most comprehensive video tutorial series available, covering both RX 5 and RX 5 Advanced with a fine toothed comb filter, leaving no aspect of the software unexplored.

Introduction (04:59) - In this video Mike outlines why applications like iZotope RX5 are needed in an increasing noisy world with examples of the kinds of problems iZotope RX can be used for. He also covers the different formats RX5 comes in, RX5 or RX5 Advanced; plug-in or Stand Alone.
The User Interface (13:35) - In this video Mike goes through the key parts of the graphical user interface and tool in iZotope RX5.
Waveform & Spectrogram Display (14:00) - In this video Mike explains how to understand and interpret the waveform and spectrogram display in iZotope RX5.
Settings (11:06) - In this video Mike shows how to configure RX5 with your interface and how to use and reconfigure keyboard shortcuts in iZotope RX5.
Recording into RX 5 (03:16) - In this video Mike shows you how you can ingest audio direct into RX5.
Saving Files (07:17) - Mike demonstrates using the RX5 document format, the Export menu in RX5, and the RX5 Advanced feature to export history as an XML file.
Markers & Regions (04:00) - In this video Mike shows how to use markers and regions in RX5 to help navigate around projects.
Monitor & Connect Plug-Ins (04:01) - In this video Mike shows how you can use the RX5 plug-in to monitor the standalone RX from within your DAW and you can get the best of both worlds with the RX5 Connect plug-in to export audio from your DAW out to RX5, work on it in the standalone app and then bring it back into your DAW.
Denoise Pt. 1 (08:24) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Denoise module in action by cleaning up a hissy recording.
Denoise Pt. 2 (06:39) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the features of the Denoise module that are only available in RX5 Advanced including the Adaptive mode and the Advanced Settings.
Denoise Pt. 3 (04:38) - Mike shows how to use the Spectral Denoiser as a plug-in in Pro Tools.
Dialog Denoiser (04:57) - Mike shows how to use the new Dialog Denoiser which is now included in RX5 to treat audio in real time with no latency as a plug-in in Pro Tools.
Distortion Pt. 1 (05:09) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Declip module in action with an overloaded recording on a speedboat.
Distortion Pt.2 (05:48) - Mike shows how to use the Declick and Deconstruct modules to reduce other kinds of distortion.
Remove Hum Pt. 1 (11:43) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Remove Hum module in action with a file that has nearly as much hum as wanted signal including the adaptive hum feature.
Remove Hum Pt. 2 (08:45) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates using the Denoise module to clean up the same recording he used with the Remove Hum module
Spectral Repair Pt. 1 (11:19) - In this video Mike gives an overview of how to use the Spectral Repair module.
Spectral Repair Pt. 2 (14:45) - In this video Mike demonstrates the Spectral Repair module in action treating sudden sounds like whistles in a concert, bike bells, camera shutter sounds and mic pops.
Vinyl (09:45) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Declick & Decrackle module in action with a very scratched vinyl record.
Tape (10:43) - Mike shows how to use the Channel Operations module and the Denoise module to fix a poor quality recording with azimuth and noise problems.
Declick (06:22) - Mike shows other uses for the Declick module removing mouth clicks, and clicks from excessive use of a plectrum on Bass and acoustic guitar.
Reverb (11:59) - Mike shows how to use the Deverb module now in RX5 & RX5 Advanced to treat recordings made in different reverberant spaces.
Deplosive (06:32) - Mike shows how to use the new Deplosive module introduced in RX5 Advanced to resolve plosive pops and mic bumps that can occur during a recording.
Instant Process (07:36) - There are several different modes - Attenuate, De-click, Fade, and Gain, and Replace. In this video Mike shows how to use the new Instant Process Tool introduced in RX5 to speed up your workflow.
Leveler (12:34) - Mike shows how to use the Clip Gain feature to help manage levels within a file right inside RX5 and how to use the updated Leveler module in RX5.
Loudness (12:19) - Loudness normalization is being adopted across the world and in this video Mike will show how to use the loudness module in RX5 Advanced to keep get you content to comply with the new loudness standard. See how the Batch Processor in RX5 can help you make all your files loudness compliant.
EQ Match (03:11) - We often need to match the eq of two clips with the same voice. Mike shows how to use the EQ Match module in RX5 Advanced.
Ambience Match (07:52) - In this video Mike shows how to us the new Ambience Match module in RX5 Advanced to extract the ambience from one track and add it to another, or create a clean matching fill track.
Module Chain (06:20) - With Module Chain we can process clips with multiple modules all at once again saving valuable time and mouse clicks. In this video Mike will show how to use Module Chain to apply a number of processes to a clip.
Clip by Clip Processing in Pro Tools (06:04) - If you have Pro Tools 11.3.1 or above then you can use RX Connect to transfer clips from Pro Tools, process them individually in RX and take them back into Pro Tools retaining the handles just as if you had processed them in Pro Tools. Mike shows you how in this video.
Deconstruct (06:35) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates that the RX5 Advanced Deconstruct module is great for sound design as well as restoration by separating the breath and wind sounds from the tonal sounds in a flute recording and then separating the different components in a clock chiming.
Gain (04:37) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Gain module in action adjusting the gain of a clip and adding a fade in and fade out too.
EQ (08:58) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the updated corrective EQ module in action showing the different types of EQ and how they affect the sound.
Channel Operations Pt. 1 (11:09) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Mixing and Phase tabs in the Channel Operations module.
Channel Operations Pt. 2 (05:58) - In this video Mike explains the RX5 Advanced feature for Centre Channel Extraction.
Spectrum Analyzer (06:05) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Spectrum Analyser module in action in their different modes.
Plug-In Hosting (06:48) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Plug-in Hosting module in action by processing a file using Nectar inside iZotope RX5.
Time & Pitch (11:41) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the RX5 Advanced Time & Pitch module in action by pitch shifting a male voice and how to change the intonation and create vari-speed effects with the Time & Pitch module.
Resample (05:06) - Advanced Only - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Resample module in action by taking a 192 KHz sample rate file and down sampling it down to 44.1KHz and handling the aliasing.
Dither (07:21) - In this video Mike explains and demonstrates the Dither module in action, why Dither is important and how to reduce the bit depth of a file correctly.
Signal Generator (06:06) - Mike explores the new signal generator module that has been introduced in RX5 & RX5 Advanced.
(05:26) -
Eli_TEST (02:00) - Eli_TEST
Larry Test - New (05:31) - Larry Test - New