Sibelius Updates Explained
Notation pro Doug Zangar brings you a detailed AVID Sibelius video tutorial series! Learn all of the new features and functions found in Sibelius updates and how to use them when creating your scores. These videos cover all the point updates for Sibelius and are designed for those who already know how to use Sibelius, but just want to learn about the new features added.
Sibelius 2020 Update
• MIDI File Import Pt. 1 (06:20) - Learn the steps for importing a MIDI file. The Instruments, Notation and Include sections are covered and Auto-Assign is demonstrated.
• MIDI File Import Pt. 2 (03:36) - See how to assign articulations and playing techniques to strings parts. Then see how you can explode a 4 part MIDI brass track to 4 separate instruments.
• MIDI File Import Pt. 3 (03:50) - This is for those who use a different track for each articulation or playing technique. Further, if you name your tracks based on the libraries used, see how to add group naming to make import into Sibelius a breeze.
• Auto-Optimize (03:49) - Watch how this behind-the-scenes feature automatically keeps staff spacing looking great, plus learn how to override and remove overrides as well.
• Ties (05:17) - This video covers the new dotted and dashed ties, tie into ties and laissez vibrer ties. New key commands and engraving choices are also shown.
• House Styles & Manuscript Papers (03:41) - There are three new house styles: Podium, Moderna, and Handwritten. See how to view them in QuickStart and import them into an existing score using new import features. The new choice for Respace After Toggling Cautionary Accidentals is also shown.
• Miscellaneous (03:53) - Learn about new large film score time signatures, updated wildcards, new system object navigation, updated Horn fingering and new Accessibility features.
• Color (04:25) - See how to choose from the Sibelius default color set, the four factory presets, or create and choose from your custom presets.
• MusicXML Import (08:54) - Sibelius follows up on their MIDI import feature with a similar method to import MusicXML files. See how to pick and choose tracks to import, correct naming conventions for articulations and learn about import options.
• Focus on Staves Pt. 1 (04:57) - This feature now has a drop menu to pick and choose what tracks are focused. Along with this feature there now is a setting in Engraving Rules to have Hide Tracks work with focused tracks. See the combination demonstrated.
• Focus on Staves Pt. 2 (02:33) - Focus on Staves now can have independent settings for the score and each part. See this in action along with the new Engraving rule allowing you to use Panorama view to show both focused and unfocused staves. Lastly, a change to audio in Audio and Video export is covered.
Sibelius 2020.12 Update
• Sibelius 2020.12 Update (07:23) - This video covers the new import feature of brining in elements of another Sibelius project. Bringing in tracks, House Styles and Document Setups are shown. Additionally, the new Generate Preview After Every Change feature is demonstrated.
Sibelius 2021.2 Update
• Command Search (04:26) - This feature has replaced the Find in Ribbon feature and now includes commands from the Ribbon, File tab, Keypad, and commands for the Add or Remove Instrument dialog. It not only finds the commands but also executes them.
• ManuScript (09:45) - Using the new simplified version of ManuScript, learn how you can create a string of commands in a plug-in to speed up your workflow.
Sibelius 2021.9 Update
• Keypad (04:07) - The new look now matches the iOS version. Discover the added tools and features of the updated keypad here.
• Search Fields (01:53) - Search fields have been added to Gallery and Plug-in windows. Learn how to use them and navigate through the results. Also, the addition of text, lines, and symbols in the Command gallery is covered.
• New ManuScript Command (03:20) - The development continues with the addition of the Sibleius.FindStyleId() command. You can now use any items in the Command gallery for a plug-in. It's highly recommended that you watch the ManuScript video for a thorough background.
• Scorch Export (01:36) - The Scorch Export window has been removed, but its important sizing features are now available in Export>PDF. The location is shown, the interface demonstrated, and a few additional improvements are discussed in this video.
Sibelius 2021.12 Update
• Licensing Changes (02:57) - Sibelius now uses the new Avid cloud licensing system. This video explains the process that you have to go through in Avid Link.
• Percussion Note Input Gestures (02:46) - See how to cycle through and select available noteheads for percussion parts.
• Irregular Bars (03:30) - Watch how you can now easily merge multiple bars into one irregular bar. This is great for cadenzas, preces and response, and education purposes.
• Odds & Ends (02:16) - This video demonstrates how to highlight multiple staves in a selection as well as the new Move Selection to Playhead Line command.
Sibelius 2022.3 Update
• Sibelius 2022.3 Update (03:36) - This video covers the new look of Sibelius’ updated QuickStart page, Ribbon, and File Tab. Redesigned manuscript papers are discussed, and QuickStart’s ability to update key and time signatures in the preview window is demonstrated, along with the ability to enter
Sibelius 2022.5 Update
• Sibelius 2022.5 Update (08:47) - This video explains and demonstrates wildcard editing, using section header text styles, extending a selection, and the selection filter for non-tied notes.
SIbelius 2022.7 Update
• Dynamic Guitar Staves (07:11) - Learn how to add and use the new Dynamic Guitar Staves. Additionally, changing instruments to show rhythms and alternate tunings is covered.
• Odds & Ends (02:34) - This video covers new manuscript papers, Key Tip preference toggle, instruments, and wildcard formatting tags.
Sibelius 2022.9 Update
• Staff Names (03:26) - Learn how to name groups of instruments sharing the same staves.
• Select Next/Previous Matching Object (02:39) - There are now key commands to select the next or previous matching object. See how to use these for either vertical or horizontal selections.
Sibelius 2022.10 Update
• Make into Part & Dynamics with Expression Text (03:22) - Discover how single parts can be made from combined staves and percussion parts, based on selection. Additionally, there is the new dynamics with expression text, which can save a step when creating your text dynamics.
Sibelius 2022.12
• Score Subsets (04:56) - This video shows you different ways to create score subsets, how to name them, and how to export them as a PDF file.
• Barlines (02:37) - Take a look at the three new barlines (thick, triple, and dotted) and the associated engraving rules. Also shown and explained are two new repeat signs.
Sibelius 2023.2 Update
• Score Subsets (03:46) - Score subsets now allow for independent formatting between the score and subsets. Learn how to do this as well as copy a layout. A quick mention is given to independent note spacing and the consistent order of score, subsets, and parts throughout Sibelius.
• Dynamic Guitar Staves (03:31) - See the independent edit feature in the tablature staff, along with stem direction, note cue size, positioning the articulation Y axis and note dot X axis, and slur direction/geometry. Note brackets are also independent, and you can name each staff separately.
• Odds & Ends (02:27) - Auto Bracket for tuplets is on by default, but see how to toggle the setting here. Also take a look at the new wildcard edit warning window and new Manuscript commands for audio export.
Sibelius 2023.5 Update
• Creating Dynamic Parts (06:14) - See how to work with a combined staff and create separate dynamic parts. Select, filter, and hide techniques are shown.
• Settings (04:42) - Doug demonstrates the Engraving Rules, Preferences, and other settings that make the separate dynamic parts work.
• Odds & Ends (04:03) - Learn how to search the keyboard shortcuts and export as HTML files. Also, check out the new sample scores, export functions, and more.
Sibelius 2023.6 Update
• Chord Auto-Complete (05:46) - Sibelius now uses AI to analyze a score and generate chord symbols. See how to set your preferences to use this powerful feature and how it all works.
Sibelius 2023.8 Update
• Chord Auto-Complete Improvements (03:03) - Avid has improved this feature by training it on more scores. This video shows the better resultant chord analysis.
• Enhanced Redo (01:38) - The Redo command can now be used to paste your last action to other areas of the score. See how this works using the Redo key command, Command Y (Mac) or Control Y (Windows).
Sibelius 2023.11 Update
• Keypad (02:15) - Take a look at the new larger look sporting better graphics. It also now closes to a moveable button, a behavior changeable in preferences.
• New Preference for Chord Entry (02:23) - You can now enable a new preference for entering chords that stops the chord suggestions and allows manual entry. Check out the feature here.
• More System Object Positions (05:34) - Sibelius now allows for 11 positions (staves) to assign system text to. This video shows the new settings and gives a tutorial.
Sibelius 2024.3 Update
• Copy & Paste MIDI (06:43) - With the current releases of Sibelius and Pro Tools, you can now copy and paste MIDI information between the two applications. Check out the techniques required and even learn how to copy/paste time signatures and tempo changes from Pro Tools to Sibelius.
• Keypad & Sibelius Connect (04:25) - View the various ways to resize the keypad and see how your custom articulations are now visible within it. Also learn how to enable Sibelius Connect in Preferences.
Sibelius 2024.6 Update
• Native Support for Apple Silicon (02:15) - This video covers the universal binary installer information for macOS and the why and how of why you might need to still run in Rosetta mode if you're using older plug-ins.
• Copy MIDI Between Sibelius & Pro Tools (01:56) - The improvements in this feature first introduced in the 2024.3 update are covered.
• Note Spacing, Ties & Blank Clefs (03:08) - Learn new options for dealing with note spacing involving hidden notes and see the ManuScript commands associated with them. Take a quick look at improved ties and viewing the hidden unpitched percussion blank clef.
Sibelius 2024.10 Update
• MusicXML Import (02:48) - This video shows how to start a Sibelius project from a Dorico MusicXML file and import the same file into an existing project. Doug points out the new robust features contained in the file along the way.
• Notate Glissandos & Tuplet Fix (03:26) - Sibelius now makes it very easy to quickly create perfect glissandos along with an improvement to working with tuplets. Both are demonstrated in this video.