AVID Control for Pro Tools Explained

Studio pro Doug Zangar presents in-depth AVID Control video tutorials! Learn everything you need to know to use the free iOS AVID Control app to control your Pro Tools sessions, including mix and edit windows, transport controls, writing automation, toggling folders open and closed, keyboard shortcuts and more. These videos are designed for both new and intermediate AVID Control users.

AVID Control for Pro Tools Explained
App Installation (02:33) - Follow the downloading, installation and registering of the free Avid Control app.
Eucon Control Installation (04:38) - See how to navigate Avid's website to get the free Eucon Control software. The install process is covered as well.
Interface Overview (04:38) - Take a tour of the Avid Control interface and get an overview of the Tab Bar and Toolbar elements and what they contain.
Avid Control Settings (08:00) - Learn how to customize the look and feel of your Avid Control via the many settings available.
EuControl General Settings (03:14) - This video goes over applicable settings to determine how tracks are selected and attentioned in Avid Control and interactivity with Pro Tools.
Mixer View (05:36) - Take a tour of the Mixer View controls and see how they interact with Pro Tools, as well as coverage on track selection techniques and fader movement.
Tracks View (04:05) - Learn all about track navigation, settings, track function buttons and using Soft Keys.
Channel View Pt. 1 (03:31) - This overview will familiarize you with the different areas of the Channel View and how to edit pan settings.
Channel View Pt. 2 (07:09) - This video covers working with Inserts. How to instantiate, remove and edit plug-ins, and set up default Dynamics and EQ plug-ins.
Channel View Pt. 3 (05:35) - This video goes through the remaining function blocks: Input and Mix, Sends, Pan, Group and Heat and how to use them.
Meters View (02:09) - This view is for monitoring only and gives you two choices for meter sizes in portrait and landscape views.
Soft Keys Pt. 1 (03:02) - This first video gives an overview of the Soft Keys view and preferences. Navigation with both the Soft Keys view soft keys and the soft keys in the toolbar (primary soft keys) is shown.
Soft Keys Pt. 2 (07:40) - Learn all about the EuControl application where the Soft Keys editing takes place, including an overview of its interface and some basic editing.
Soft Keys Pt. 3 (06:10) - Part three goes deeper into the programming of Soft Keys, plus how to create macros and use the repeat function.
Folders (02:33) - A new feature for Avid Control is being able to toggle folders open and closed. See how to do this in Mixer view, Tracks view, and with Soft Keys.
Record Multiple Tracks (02:15) - Learn a quick tip on setting a preference in Pro Tools to allow you to arm and record multiple tracks with the Avid Control.
Recording Automation (03:37) - This video takes you through the process of recording volume, pan and send gain automation using Avid Control as the controller.
2020.11 Update
General Preferences (02:43) - Learn about the 3 new preferences that were added; Auto Bank to Selected tracks, View Banks Independently, and Show Modal Dialog, including how to use them.
Other New Features (02:33) - Doug revels more new features such as Cycle through EQ and Dynamics plug-ins, and Rename Tracks. You'll also learn how you can now get visual feedback when any control goes into Write or Preview Mode, as well as how to perform renaming in the EuControl Soft Keys Editor Tab.
2021.6 Update
Create Custom Knob Sets Pt. 1 (04:56) - Learn how to create your own custom knob sets to replace the factory defaults using both the Inserts and Dyn/EQ tiles.
Create Custom Knob Sets Pt. 2 (03:33) - This second video explores how to work with plug-in parameters that have primary and secondary parameters.
Meter Strip Designer (03:37) - This new feature allows you to create custom meter strips to replace the default look. Learn how to create, save, and revert back to the factory default look.
Interface Updates (02:24) - Next, discover the new global clear solo and mute buttons and a new menu in Channel view for per track toggling of solo, mute, record, and input.
New Settings (04:28) - This video looks at two new Avid Control settings and one in EuControl. You can now scroll a track into view, have Avid Control remember your view choices, and open plug-in windows in Pro Tools upon selection in Avid Control.
AutoMatch Triangles (02:31) - Avid Control shows the same triangles seen in the Pro Tools Mix window that tell you if you are above or below underlying automation when writing new automation. They point to the direction the fader will go when it's released and returns to the existing automation.
2023.6 Update
Plug-in Settings Copy & Paste (02:18) - Learn how to copy and paste settings from one plug-in to any other instance of the plug-in.
Custom Knob Map Improvements (05:21) - This video covers single and multiple parameter mapping and creating peer knobs.
View Settings Improvements (05:56) - See how to reposition your Universe and set it up for metering, set up independent bank views, and choose the function view behavior when navigating through tracks.
Marker Settings & Channel Views (05:16) - This video takes you through all the settings for the Marker Timeline and demonstrates two new Channel view improvements.
EuControl Settings (05:02) - New settings in Surfaces, Applications and Soft Keys are covered, including how to set up a second tablet as a remote tablet.
Inter-Application Soft Keys (04:35) - See how to set up one EuCon-ized Soft Keys appset to control another EuCon-ized application. In this video Pro Tools is set up to control Logic Pro.
Enabling EUCON in Pro Tools (03:48) - Starting with Pro-Tools 2022.12, there is a new button for toggling EUCON connectivity on and off. See the location and its settings.
Eucontrol & AVID Control Settings (02:55) - This video covers the new tablet mode choices, marker display, and zoom settings.