Serato Studio Explained
Join veteran Groove3 instructor Larry Holcombe for a deep dive into Serato Studio, the new DAW built from the ground up with beatmakers in mind. In this Serato Studio video course you'll learn all about the incredible features like stem separation, audio manipulation, and more that make creating beats quick, intuitive, and easy. Larry will take you through all the various components of this DAW and illustrate their function with many musical examples so you'll be ready to get started right away. These Serato Studio videos are designed for new Serato Studio users.
• Introduction & Interface (09:54) - This video introduces the series and outlines the different areas of the interface.
• Application & Project Toolbar (06:12) - We discuss the Application and Project toolbars next, both of which contain some important functions for saving, quantization, and bouncing (in the case of the Application toolbar). Regarding the Project toolbar, we can change parameters relating to the project such as key, tempo, and also add effects and mix the project.
• Sample Deck Pt. 1 (08:02) - Next up, we cover the Sample Deck parameters. An integral part of Serato Studio, the sample deck allows us to play back cues on pads or the MIDI keyboard so that samples can be quickly and easily be chopped up and re-triggered. We also cover the ability to separate stems from samples.
• Sample Deck Pt. 2 (12:15) - This video continues to dive deep into the Sample Deck, looking at cues vs the beat grids and the varied ways in which we can choose sample slices.
• Sample Deck Pt. 3 (06:14) - Next up, we cover the parameters affecting pads and playback options. This allows pads to be reversed and to have different patches, tempos, attack, and release settings.
• Drum Deck (06:32) - This video covers the Drum Deck, where we can program drums with control over the sample length, pitch, tempo, attack, and release. We also have the ability to add basic EQ and make level adjustments.
• Instrument Deck (08:31) - Explore the Instrument Deck next, allowing us to play back sounds from Serato Studio's library. This includes the powerful ability to limit notes to a chosen key and also the Auto Chords function.
• Plugin Deck (03:31) - In this video, we demonstrate how to use the Plugin Deck. Similar to the Instrument Deck, it instead allows us to use 64-bit VST and AU plugins.
• Audio Tracks (14:35) - Next, we continue to look at the audio tracks, where we can use pads to extract different cues within audio files. These can then be dragged down into song view to to create arrangements of audio as a foundation for our track ideas.
• Scene Player Pt. 1 (11:07) - In this video, we cover some of the features of the Scene Player. We discuss what scenes are, how to arrange their length, overdubbing, and recording automation.
• Scene Player Pt. 2 (10:47) - Learn how to input notes into our decks within the Scene Player. We focus on creating drum patterns using the preset grooves and inputting our own patterns, adding swing and quantization and creating double and triplet time parts.
• Scene Player Pt. 3 (04:01) - We cover the scene banks next, allowing combinations of decks to be created, which can then be organized into scenes that can be used as ideas to arrange song sections.
• Song View Pt. 1 (08:38) - This video focuses on the various tools within the song view, including the ways in which we can navigate the timeline. We also cover recording audio and choosing the correct input and recording level.
• Song View Audio Tracks (03:45) - Next up, we look at the audio tracks so we can use pads to create chops of audio files, placing them onto audio tracks to create drum grooves or for trying out vocals, etc.
• Library (10:19) - Discover the different areas of the library and see how to create Crates and Smart Crates. We also demonstrate how to analyze tracks to add bpm and key metadata.
• Mixer View (05:10) - Next up, we cover the Mixer view, including the way channels are organized and also the individual channel controls.
• Master View (02:46) - The Master view includes the waveform display, which updates in real time, the master effect parameters, and the location of the master FX.
• FX (12:21) - This video focuses on the pad, deck, master, and audio effects, including adding 3rd-party plugins and adding a pumping side-chain compression effect.
• Automation (08:51) - We cover automation next, including enabling it, adding/editing points, and using Line and Bar mode. We also record automation using the Scene Player.
• Content Packs (01:58) - We discuss the content that's regularly being updated for Serato Studio and how this relates to the different pricing options available.
• Projects & Export Options (02:52) - In this video, we cover the different methods of exporting, including master and stem export. We also demonstrate organizing projects into crates.
• Deck Presets & Cycle Record (04:15) - This final video demonstrates saving deck presets to build up a library of sounds and also how to record in loop mode.
• Serato 2.0.5 Update (04:15) - In this video we introduce the export loop function and amazing export to visualiser features of the 2.0.5 Serato Studio update.
• Serato Studio 2.3.0 Update: New MIDI Mappings (07:19) - We cover the brand new MIDI mapping functions in this Serato Studio update, including using pre-configured mappings and creating your own control mappings.