Pro Tools 2024.3 Update Explained

Join Pro Tools guru Eli Krantzberg for an in-depth look at the updates made to Pro Tools version 2024.3. It's great news for MIDI fans, as there are plenty of new features in this area, from MIDI effects to idea-generators like Riffer and more. By the end of this course, you'll be familiar with everything the new Pro Tools has to offer and be ready to start using these updates in your very next song. These videos are designed for Pro Tools users who want specific info on the new 2024.3 features and functions.

MIDI Chains (07:30) - Learn about the new MIDI Chain architecture and see how it's used to pass MIDI from one plug-in to another sequentially through the insert slots of an instrument track. Also discover how it can be used as a virtual MIDI bus to route MIDI from one track to another.
MIDI Chain Routing (03:45) - See how MIDI effects flow vertically from top to bottom on instrument tracks and how MIDI tracks are used as a conduit to capture from and route to other MIDI Chains.
MIDI Processing Ideas (06:12) - Explore a few creative applications using the three native Avid MIDI effects plug-ins.
EON-Arp (08:56) - Learn how to get around this versatile, stimulating, and creative arpeggiator from Modalics.
Riffer QuickStart (11:15) - See how to get up and running with the inspiring Riffer MIDI plug-in from Audio Modern.
Groove Shaper Lite Jump Start (06:35) - Explore the workflow involved in creating interesting rhythmic patterns with the Groove Shaper Lite MIDI plug-in.
Other Improvements (03:20) - Learn about the new detachable Melodyne and Clip Effects windows, Sketch improvements, the new guided tour, and more.