Studio One: Patterns Explained

If you work with electronic drums in Studio One but don't use the Patterns feature, you're missing out on a whole world of useful features that can make your drum beats way better and your life easier! In this Studio One video course, Eli Krantzberg, Studio One guru, will take you on a deep dive into the world of Patterns in S1, showing you how they work, what you can do with them, and how they can improve your workflow, creativity, and efficiency when creating drum tracks. These Studio One videos are designed for new Patterns users.

Working with Patterns (07:13) - Learn about what patterns are in Studio One, how to create them, edit their length, and get started programming a simple drum beat.
Swing, Accent, Gate & Velocity (08:09) - Discover how to accent specific steps within a pattern, offset step velocities and durations, and add a swing value to the feel of the beat subdivisions.
Tied Notes & Chords (02:31) - See how to alter the length of individual steps when creating them (or after they are already in place) and how to edit the length of multiple notes on the same step at the same time.
Step Recording (04:37) - Discover this non-real-time note entry method, which is great for entering fast or otherwise difficult-to-play parts and stimulating new otherwise elusive ideas.
Real Time Pattern Recording (02:30) - Learn how to record into patterns in real time using either a MIDI keyboard controller or the caps lock qwerty keyboard window within Studio One.
Basic Pattern Editing Functions (04:44) - Exploring the right-click menu reveals a variety of useful editing functions to help develop patterns once the basic parts are entered.
Working with Pattern Variations (05:32) - See how simple and fun it is to create and assign multiple variations within a pattern.
Working with Drum Maps (05:07) - Learn how to modify, create, import, save, and load custom drum maps - either for Impact XT or third-party software drum instruments.
Lane Resolution, Repeat, Delay & Probability (07:15) - Create evolving permutations by changing either the rate or number of steps in individual lanes and introducing a probability value so that notes are not necessarily triggered every time through the pattern. Delay offsets are used to push selected steps on individual rows either ahead or behind the beat. And the repeat function creates multiple events on selected steps in selected rows to create either rhythmic multiples or buzz-type effects.
Step Automation (05:06) - See how to combine patterns with regular events by using multiple tracks addressing the same instrument. Also watch how to create step-based automation of instrument parameters.
Saving & Loading Patterns (03:55) - Discover the various ways of storing and recalling patterns using either the Pattern Inspector or the Files (or Loops) Browser.
Creative Drum Programming Ideas (05:56) - Explore some interesting ways of using the Pattern Editor features to create compelling drum groove variations.
Probable Cause (06:22) - Follow along as some extreme pattern parameters, combined with varying probability settings, are put to work in creative ways.
Chop Shop (06:45) - Explore some ways of programming interesting patterns comprised of drum loops and vocal phrases sliced up within Impact XT.