Pro Tools AudioSuite Explained
Join Pro Tools guru Eli Krantzberg for a deep dive into Pro Tools' powerful off-line processing feature, AudioSuite, and learn all you need to know about using it immediately in your next production. Whether you just want to know how to render an effect to free up some CPU power or learn all the ins and outs of everything that AudioSuite has to offer, you'll find it here. By the end of the AudioSuite course, you'll be ready to confidently start using it right away. These AudioSuite videos are designed for new AudioSuite users.
• Introduction to AudioSuite Processing (04:05) - Learn what AudioSuite processing is all about and see how to organize the plug-in menu to control how plug-ins are listed in the AudioSuite menu.
• AudioSuite Plug-In Header Controls (06:40) - Learn how the header controls affect how and where selections are processed when using AudioSuite plug-ins.
• AudioSuite Footer Controls (03:59) - Discover how to audition AudioSuite processing before rendering and extend the processing range beyond edit window selections.
• Rendering Scenarios (04:26) - Get a sense of how the different rendering options work with regards to how the processing is applied beyond the clip boundaries.
• Working with Tails (04:35) - Explore a couple of different workflows and approaches to processing with AudioSuite plug-ins that incorporate tails and the reverse function.
• AudioSuite Processing & the Clip List (04:35) - See how the various combinations of selection reference options interact with where processed clips are placed.
• Understanding the Process Modes (03:55) - Learn how the analysis of threshold-dependent material works in the two different process modes.
• Processing Multiple Occurrences of the Same Clip (02:30) - Explore a useful workflow using AudioSuite processing to make changes to multiple occurrences of the same clip occurring at different places throughout your session.
• Working with Multiple AudioSuite Plug-ins (04:28) - Discover how to use Window Configurations to recall your often-used AudioSuite processing combinations, including multiple open AudioSuite plug-in windows and their specific parameter values.
• Snare Drum Tuning Variations (03:35) - Look at a real-world use case scenario utilizing AudioSuite pitch shifting to introduce tuning randomization to a snare drum.
• Multiple De-essing Outcomes Using AudioSuite Processing & Playlists (03:51) - Discover a real-world scenario combining the use of playlists with AudioSuite processing. Here they are used together to correct overly sibilant areas of a vocal non-destructively with various outcomes from different de-essing plug-ins.
• Creating a Reverse Cymbal Swell (03:14) - See how to use the Reverse plug-in in conjunction with AudioSuite and the "snap clip to cursor end" keyboard shortcut for beautifully timed reverse cymbal swells.
• Tweak Sections of a Stereo Mix (04:13) - Explore AudioSuite processing as either a creative or corrective tool when applied to all elements across a two track stereo music mix.
• Batch Processing Tip (03:40) - See how disabling the automatically linked Clip List and Edit List selections provides a bulletproof workflow for batch processing files independently in the Clip List or Edit List.