Ableton Live 12 Tips & Tricks

Join Thomas Cochran for an in-depth Ableton Live video course on creative tips and tricks for Live 12! This Ableton course will teach you exciting ways to be creative in Live, whether you're looking to design a killer bass synth sound from scratch, set up powerful side-chain paths for that record-ready sound, and much more. This Ableton Live course will quickly take you off the beaten path and into interesting uncharted territory, opening up entirely new possibilities for workflow, sounds, and more. These Ableton Live videos are designed for existing Ableton Live 12 users who already know their way around Live 12.

Side-Chaining Basic Setup (09:44) - Learn the basics of setting up side-chain effects in Ableton Live and how they can be used in your mixes. This effect is super helpful for any style of music.
Custom Side-Chaining with Shaper (10:41) - Next, we look at an advanced way of creating side-chain effects in Live using the Shaper and Utility tools. This effects rack allows for quick side-chain effects.
Creative Use for Auto Shift on Instruments (13:49) - See how to make creative pad sounds by using Auto Shift to re-synthesize audio. This unlocks a lot of advanced sound design possibilities for your songs.
Getting Creative with Drum Sampler (10:18) - Next, we look at how we can make a frequency-modulated bass using Drum Sampler. While this device is traditionally used for drums, it can also be used as a creative mono synth.
Envelope Follower & Saturator (09:42) - Discover how the updated Envelope Follower can be used with Saturator for creative distortion effects. This allows for dynamic distortion that can give your audio an interesting texture.
Getting Creative with LFO's (10:11) - Learn how the LFO's can be used in Ableton for creative sound design on a bass. This lets you quickly create complex modulations without the need for busy sequencer automation.