Customer Reviews
Brush Control
Very helpfull.
Very nice demonstration of brush technique.
Good instruction.
Hobbyist, Musician, Studio One
Louis Johnson
Bad Tutorial for Bass Slap
Louis J, was great at slapping bass but he mentions several times about how he kept busting up his fingers, why learn from him? You gotta practice smart not busting your fingers and stop playing bass because of it. Waste of time on this tutorial.
Pablo S
Beginner, Student, Musician, Logic Pro, Studio One
Top 10 Mix Tips!
Clever stuff
Nice to hear insights on how his approach to mixing has changed over time as well.
Ableton Live 12 Explained
Full of helpful information, but...
The main problem with this course (apart from the presenter's super-annoying habit of describing everything as super-nice, super-helpful or super-useful) is that the cursor is so small that it's very difficult to see where it is when a function is being explained, meaning that the video is constantly being paused and rewound whilst you scan the screen to find the cursor. If it were made larger or highlighted in a different colour the videos would be a lot easier to follow. That aside, the course itself is full of useful information and a good starting point to learn the software.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Ableton Live, Cubase
Logic Pro: How to Record, Edit & Mix Drums
Loved it. Making the seemingly complex simple. Excellent and thoroughly enjoyable series to watch.
ACE Studio Explained
Ace Studio Explained
Ace Studio is an Amazing instrument, Eli does a very good job explaining how it works. The interface is very simple yet powerful and this video series demonstrates it quite well.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Studio One
Ableton Live 12 Explained
Excellent course
Great presentation of all relevant information. Very accessible. The duration of the videos was very manageable but still thoroughly. Really worth it.
Viv Monsa
Manolo Badrena's All That Percussion
amazing overview of so many different drum! When he combines his vocals with the drum, it is an amazing experience. I want to hear more.
When he combines his vocals with the drums, it is an amazing experience. I want to hear more. the possibilities are endless.
Country Guitar Styles
New Techniques
I have played the guitar for 60 years so I seldom find new techniques, but here I learned something new about chicken pickin'.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Pro Tools
Shred Guitar Styles of the Masters
Thank you for this great video course with great instructors and instructions. Tabs are helpful and they are must!
Tha Man
Old-School Studio ITB Explained
Masterful explanations
Very useful, especially to see the processing on the buses & master fader. Alberto comes across as an 'artist' mixer / producer - he clearly loves what he does, has mastered it, and, good for us, can explain it all clearly too (as well as making it all seem fun!). More tutorials from Alberto please.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer
ShaperBox 3: Getting Creative
Shaperbox is indespensible
This plugin can replace many of the traditional plugins you are used to using. It's power goes way beyond electronic music.
Electronic Music Producer’s Guide: Dynamics & Compression
Genial is the way of teaching, easy to remember and memorize it!
Professional, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Cubase
Producing & Engineering Low End/Sub-Bass
Genial way of teaching!
Professional, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Cubase
Logic Pro Delay Plugins Explained
Absolutely love this!
Eli has really gone above and beyond in this one. Extremely effective explanations of the plug-ins and a host of exciting ideas that I just wouldn't have thought of without his input. There were quite a few 'penny drop' moments for me, as I was familiar with all the techniques he uses, but just hadn't thought about how to use them before in this way. For example, using something as simple as Echo, but in dual-mono mode for getting extra width on a vocal. Yes, I know about dual-mono; yes, I know the Echo plug-in and its various features; but I hadn't put these two things together. I probably shouldn't be admitting this in a public review, but never mind. Inspiring series!
Using AI for Music Production Explained
Good start for those who try to do everything from home
Basic start for the curious ones what AI can do for their music.
Eventide SplitEQ Explained
Great demonstration of plugin's capabilities
The examples used in this video series were very relevant in terms of common mixing problems with Eli clearly explaining how he creatively uses Split-EQ to tackle each problem.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Audio Engineer, Cakewalk Sonar, Reaper
Elysium Explained
a bit dissappointing
The author should be able to play the instrument, not just stumble around pressing the same keys over and over again.
This makes it rather boring to follow along. BTW: I do like his many other, rather technical tutorials, but this one ...
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Bitwig Studio, Reaper, Studio One
Electronic Music Producer’s Guide: EQ
Much more than information, very helpful!
Professional, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Cubase
Using AI for Music Production Explained
Good Introduction to the tools
Larry does a good job of introducing the tools that could be used to assist someone in leveraging the latest technology to write music... from lyrics, to midi, to sounds, to a complete song. This is not an in-depth video but rather an introduction and for that he did a great job.
CJ Rock
Hobbyist, Producer, Beat Maker, Ableton Live, Logic Pro
All-Access Pass
Incredibly well designed platform all around!
Great integrated features.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro
Using AI for Music Production Explained
Hard to understand the presenter, due think accent at least for me
title of lesson says using logic pro, but it used a sample plug for most of it that is almost as much as logic pro itself
Dr. User
U Produce™ Post Malone
Great course! Especially if you use Reason!
I really appreciate Paul Ortiz's teaching style and doable speed of explaining. Something I find useful, is the extra thought process on things sometimes, along with his mentioning what he is doing or going to on screen so you aren't just looking for the cursor to follow along. I'm slightly biased on this one as its in Reason for bonus points, but would be a good course for anyone to watch, especially when on sale pricing! Cheers!
Beginner, Hobbyist, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Ableton Live, Acid, FL Studio, Cakewalk Sonar, Cubase, Logic Pro, Mixcraft, Reason, Samplitude
Using AI for Music Production Explained
Does not go beyond absolute basic knowledge.
Two examples: 1) For the chapter “Making an AI Track”, he enters a prompt on Udio and plays the song results. 2) For the chapter “Writing Lyrics Using ChatGPT”, he enters a one-sentence prompt (“write me a song text”) and then copies it exactly as it is. No fine-tuning, no improvements, no tips, nothing... and that's the whole “course”. An absolute waste of time. What a pity.
Cubase 10 Explained
Excellent course, even for newer versions of Cubase / Nuendo
Even though this course covers an older version of the software than the one I’m using, I still chose it because Paul Ortiz is one of the best tutors I’ve ever come across—and Cubase 10 Explained does not disappoint. While it’s impossible to cover every single function of the program in just a few hours, the course does an excellent job of explaining the basics along with many useful features that are essential for daily use.
What sets Mr. Ortiz apart from most other tutors is his thoughtful and creative selection of content, as well as his clear, down-to-earth explanations that get straight to the point without any unnecessary filler.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Game Designer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Cubase, Nuendo
Bob Marley: Guitar Play-Along
Thank you, this was very informative!
Thank you, this was very informative. I only wish you had more Bob Marley video tutorials available here?
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Musician, Mixcraft
All-Access Pass
very valuable
Lots of valuable and informative material. Great lay out
Professional, Musician, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro
Kontakt 8 Explained
A fine guide to Kontakt 8
I've been using Kontakt since it first arrived, but there's much to learn with each new iteration. Eli makes clear all of the twists and turns enthusiastically and intelligently.
Advanced Bass Grooves
Not a lesson
The videos are too short. Tony was kind of just sharing and showing the grooves. There is no lesson or a step by step “how to”.
Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer
Bass Drum & Hi-Hat Technique
Excellent video on drum fundamentals.
Finally, someone is teaching the fundamentals of bass drum and hi-hat separately. These are the most important fundamentals to understand. I wish that I had seen this when I began playing drums. One week of practicing these studies, will improve your drumming 100%. Video quality and production are excellent! Thanks to Michael and crew.
UVI Falcon 2 Explained
Just What I Needed
Falcon is an exceptionally comprehensive VST. I write mostly for acoustic instrumentals. Falcon allows me to craft the perfect instrument and instantly recall it for the next project(s) and make minor adjustments, if necessary, in record time. My approach is spending time crafting the best sound I can going into a song to get the best sound out. Falcon allows me to craft that sound on the way in, providing both inspiration and efficiency in mixing. This tutorial gave me the knowledge base to may my process efficient and recallable.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Digital Performer
MASCHINE Know-How: Sampling
Great course
Easy to follow and good explanation on the sampling process of the maschine software and (in this course the MK2)hardware but easy to translate to the MK3 hardware as to the new Maschine 3 software
Professional, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Sound Designer, Ableton Live, FL Studio, Studio One
Nektar Panorama CS12 Explained
Very helful introduction to CS12
Very helpful introduction to CS12. As always, Eli is very clear in explaining and provides a lot of useful tips.
bx_console N: Step by Step
Excellent explanations of gating, compression, and filtering
Really good explanations here. It feels like, at this point in his groove3 career, Larry is so familiar with explaining key mixing concepts that he's really able to make it clear, direct and concise. I'm not sure why this series exists, however; Eli has already done a series that introduces this plug-in, and this is another series introducing the plug-in? I mean, it's great if you own the plug-in because you get two perspectives on it, but I'm not sure I've seen groove3 do two 'explained' series on the exact same plug-in before. For what it's worth, they're both great, but I find Larry's explanation of gating clearer, at least for me.
Logic Pro Beat Breaker Explained
I remember reviewing Eli's overview of Logic Pro 10.8, the update that first introduced Beat Breaker. While I made the point then that the overview is great, I also said that the examples used to introduce Beat Breaker specifically were a bit messy and rushed - which was fine, given that the purpose was just to introduce. In this series, however, Eli does a great job of really selling the plug-in. An extremely fun, versatile, and powerful tool that Logic has given users for free. It's easy to under-appreciate it for precisely this reason: being free somehow suggests not-quite-as-good. But that's simply not the case, just as that isn't the case for Step FX, Phat FX, Tape Delay, Space Designer, or any other number of included plug-ins. Thanks, Eli, for the inspiring ideas.
Tech House Mixing Explained
Very helpful
Great overview of the mixing process and, as ever, great delivery from Larry. For me, this was a way of reviewing before getting back into mixing, and it was very helpful. Some great ideas from Larry that were well worth re-visiting (using ER rather than reverb in some cases; compressing the stereo bus and sending mostly wet to the mids, mostly dry to the sides; creating various busses and sending signals from one bus to another bus...) A decent tune as well, which helps whenever doing a mixing series as you inevitably hear snippets of the song repeatedly.
Electronic Music Production Workflows
Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Reason, Studio One
All-Access Pass
Will all access pass it's just a matter of finding time to learn...then I KNOW where to go first
Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Reason, Studio One
Cableguys Snapback Explained
Now I see
Nice explanation of the plug-in. Very Informative vid.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, Reason, Reaper
Cubase 14 Explained
Easy to follow & concise!
Extremely helpful for newcomers such as myself. Well paced and very easy to follow. Excellent!!
Paul Desmond
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Cubase, Nuendo, Pro Tools, Reaper, Studio One
Studio One 7 Jump Start
Very Helpful
Living in an area where there are not too many Studio One Users, any information I can access to learn about S1-Pro7 before I purchase the upgrade from Studio One V6, is very helpful. The Groove 3 videos are very clear and cover points of interest that I wouldn't have access to otherwise. This video and others that I have also purchased covering Studio One V6 have been invaluable to me, and review them often to pick up the finer points about the programe. Excellent Videos.
Ray O
Hobbyist, Musician, Studio One
Pro Tools Sketch Explained
Great primer
What a great intro to this feature. Solid foundational info that encourages exploration. Thanks again, Eli.
Professional, Musician, Producer, Sound Designer, Pro Tools
Eventide H9 Plug-In Series Bundle Explained
Watch before buying the Plug-In
I downloaded the demo of Anthology and ended up buying because it was the last day of the sale and started to feel a bit of buyer's remorse. The truth is that it was just a bit too much and the videos really broke everything down into bitesize chunks with great explanations and examples. A lot of training isn't very good these days, this is one of the better ones I've seen in a while.
A lot more excited about my purchase and while I won't need every plug-in here, there were a few that I had written off that definitely made it on the short list to try out.
Mixing in Reaper
Very helpful. I'm learning a lot.
I like the course a great deal. The instructor is knowledgeable and the course is well organized. I have one big beef with the course however. The fact that the instructor expects me as a beginning hobbyist to spend $175 for two plugins is absurd.
Hobbyist, Audio Engineer, Reaper
Mastering with Ozone 11 Explained
Excellent course!
After purchasing Ozone 11 advanced and wanting a quick fire tutorial that got to the point I Stumbled across this site and purchased this course. Highly recommended ????????
Kirk C
Jimmy Bruno - No Nonsense Jazz Guitar (Hot Licks)
The Best!!
I've been playing for 46 years and I've never seen jazz simplified like Jimmy Bruno has done in this video! Stick to what he lays out here, don't deviate and within a year or two you'll be kicking azz!
Jersey Frank
Professional, Musician, Logic Pro
Ableton Live 12 Tips & Tricks
Great course
I like the new ideas I have got from this course thanks
a singer
Semi-Pro, Musician, Ableton Live
KORG modwave native Explained
Very Helpful!
The course gives a solid overview of all the functionality of the Korg Modwave native, as well that it shows how to use this functionality to create sounds from scratch (in increasing difficulty). Very well done! And not the least: there are very few tutorial video's of the Modwave Native, so I was happy to see that Groove3 offered one. Thanks!
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Sound Designer, Logic Pro
Pro Tools Signal Flow Explained
This tutorial is great.
Everything is organized and explained very clearly. Definitely worth watching. Thank you.
Semi-Pro, Musician, FL Studio, Pro Tools
Cubase: Orchestrating with Iconica Sketch
Very well done !!!
Everything was placed skill a set for learning, I've enjoyed this class.
Hard Rock - Guitar Signature Licks
Not what it says it is...
You won't "Learn 8 SONGS!" like it says... you just get the solos. I know from other material Troy Stetina is a good teacher, but this is just a money grab...
Andrew Burson
Studio One 7 Jump Start
Very helpul
Eli is the best instructor. I learned a lot of little things from him and his videos. This gets 5 stars.. It was very informative,
Semi-Pro, Musician, Studio One
u-he Hive 2 Explained
Very systematically
As a beginner I like the systematic approach. It helped me understand the basics which I can now build on.
Studio One 6 Explained
Control Command Option Alt
would you Please stop confusing windows users with out repeating over and over, that Alt is ?? on Mac and Ctrl is ?? on Mac.. it gets really annoying to do a mental translation when watching these in focus.. you have to say both, have some respect, there are probably more financially-challenged musicians using windows for pricing reasons.. thanks..
Blues by the Bar
User Review
The videos themselves are great but I was disappointed there were no PDF’s or backing tracks.
Bernie Dollery
EZkeys 2 Explained
Eli is a very knowledgeable user of Ezkeys 2. He shows in thorough detail how to use the settings. I am very happy that I bought this course and downloaded it in case I want to watch it off line.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Studio One
EZbass Explained
Eli is a great teacher. I am very pleased to have bought this course, as I learned how to use the various settings in the software better.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Studio One
soothe2 Explained
Glad to stop by
Till now I was using this plugin in almost clishe fashion..
Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Logic Pro
Hal Leonard Gypsy Jazz Guitar Method
Nice entry level method
nice and structured way to get into gypsy jazz
Hobbyist, Musician, Producer, Sound for Film/TV, Cubase
Producing in Different Time Signatures Explained
A Brilliant Tutorial
A fantastic video series for anyone of any level. Throughout you are provided with excellent examples of pulling different time signatures together, a must watch.
Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV
Toots Thielemans Master Class
Awesome and inspiring musician although not an encouraging teacher
I play chromatic harmonica so I was excited about viewing this. I was really surprised at Toot's review of the student musicians. "You need to practice practice practice and listen listen listen" that was about all he said and he makes it pretty clear that he is disappointed with everyone. They are just kids! They need a little encouragement and some direction. He is the best harmonica player and the worst teacher. But great playing and I think a jazz chorus from him is worth a thousand words.
Professional, Musician, Logic Pro
Does Your DAW Have a Sound?
Definitely a eye opener
Very well explained. Points made were eye openers, especially if you are not a professional mixer. I do most talked about points but the renaming each session/plus printing...really made a lot of sense. Printing instrument/sample tracks prior to daily print session really is a very smart approach. Thanks
Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Studio One
All-Access Pass
was something I've been looking for - for years
author was concise, to the point and easy to understand
Professional, Cakewalk Sonar
EZmix 3 Explained
Fast and in-depth
A video course that does what it's supposed to - explains in an educational way all functions from start to finished mix.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Sound Designer, Logic Pro
Logic Pro 11 Update Explained
Best Logic tutorial out there!
Very professional, easy to understand and holds a wealth of unique information and understanding that you can glean from, no matter your skill level.
Alan Branch
Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro
Phase Plant Explained
Phase Plant made Easy
A steady logical approach to learning the huge number of Phase Plant features. With the right guide you soon realise that the underlying principles of this synth are intuitive and really easy to learn. This is a quick entry into a vast world of sound design.
Mixing with Neutron 5 Explained
Very good if a little 'finished' sounding at the start already
If this is your introduction to using Neutron in a very hands-on way, this series definitely won’t be sufficient. You’d need to also watch Larry’s Mixing with Neutron 4 to become familiar with hands-on use of the long-established modules.
More generally, I’ve been watching Larry Holcombe's mixing series for four years now, and this series really showcases how he's changed. When EQ-ing sounds, the first thing he used to do was pretty much low-cut and high-cut all or most tracks. Now, "I’m not a massive fan of extreme high-passes". Also, he used to be all about the front-back perspective, but now he says things like, "you can have too much separation". It's a pleasure to witness the evolution :-)
This series is a little misleading, I feel, in that the starting point is a track that is already pretty much mixed-sounding. Neutron is being added for beautification. That's perhaps why Larry starts with moves I haven't seen in his other mixing series - a top-down approach, with stereo-bus processing put on immediately and unmasking the synths from the vocals before we’ve started mixed either. It’s probably also why he seems less committed to his mixing decisions in this one, often saying things like, ‘I don’t mind the sound of that’. It’s like he’s afraid of interfering with a mix that’s already basically there :-)
As always this is an entertaining and informative watch.
Arturia Korg MS-20 V Explained
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Beat Maker, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Mastering Facility, Sound for Film/TV, Ableton Live, Reason
All-Access Pass
Great but some outdated
Most of the videos are based on old versions but mostly it was a good experience
Carsten Lau
Logic Pro Dynamics Plug-Ins Explained
Again, thank you so much Eli
Been following many of his courses in the past few years and this is another perfect straight to the core course, fantastic
Semi-Pro, Producer, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro
All-Access Pass
Fantastic resourses
It has helped me in my playing and production so much
Semi-Pro, Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Logic Pro
Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Explained
Fantastic Tutorial
As always Eli devlivers. I've been using Opus for over a year now and pretty good with it, however, this tutorial solidifies all of that previous knowledge. One area in this series that I have found to be very useful is the topic on 'Zones'
Eli, excellent tutorial. Thanks
Professional, Musician, Producer, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV
Vocal Production with Auto-Tune Unlimited
Auto tune
I'm not the sharpest knife on the block but these tutorials are simple and to the point. I actually have many other Groove3 tutorials. I find their training simple and easy to follow not to mention affordable.
Lenovo laptop
Semi-Pro, Musician, Producer, Studio One
Neutron 5 Explained
Loved it. The new modules are expertly explained and the old ones helpfully reviewed. Cheers!
The Assistant Job: Mix Session Prep
Love the course. Some things could be explained in more depth. Gain Staging for instance. No course is perfect and I give a 5 star for the effort.
Hobbyist, Audio Engineer, Cakewalk Sonar
Logic Pro 11 Update Explained
Excellent overview of 11.1 as well
Great overview of everything Logic 11 related. Cheers, Eli!
bx_console AMEK 9099 Explained
Outstanding Tutorial for the Amek 9099
Eli is such a good instructor. This series only took an hour but it demystified the bx_Console Amek 9099 for me. Eli breaks it down by section and explains its purpose, examples of changes and then puts it all together at the end. Well done.
Wavelab 12 Update Explained
Good Series
Very helpful, but could be much better,. So many options not covered or at least mentioned. To be fair, there is so many new features in the Wavelab Pro 12 update, it would be very hard to cover everything in a two hour series.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Mastering Facility, Pro Tools, Studio One
Wavelab 11 Explained
Wavelab 11 Podcasting (5 Stars)
Great video series if you are doing a podcast. If you are mastering this is not the video series to get. The audio connections video does not go into the external effect and does not do an example for mastering an album.
Semi-Pro, Musician, Audio Engineer, Sound Designer, Mastering Facility, Pro Tools, Studio One
All-Access Pass
It's helpful for spending my free time
It helps me to understand how work the plugins wich i like
Italian hobbist
Hobbyist, Musician, Studio One
Al Schmitt on Using Microphones
Very good but a little brief...
I enjoyed it very much but I wish it has been in more detail with sound examples etc. I could listen to Al all day!
Thomas Nussbaum
Semi-Pro, Musician, Audio Engineer, Logic Pro, Studio One
spiff Explained
A great overview of Spiff
A very good overview of the Spiff plug-in. Tom does a great job of explaining all the nuts and bolts. I felt that sometimes we could have been given more time to just listen to / hear the differences when A/Bing; sometimes, Tom was perhaps too keen to 'tell us' what we're supposed to be hearing rather than allowing us to form our own judgements first. Still, I really enjoyed this series. Thanks, Tom!
Studio One 6 Explained
So much info, so little time...
This is my second viewing of these 73 videos. Each video is so chocked full of info, it's difficult for me to remember it all. I do go back from time to time to refresh my memory regarding a subject, but got to the point where I really needed to go over the whole shebang again. I equate it to reading War and Peace, and then trying to remember what was written on page 317. Heck, I may have to go back and watch a 3rd time at some point...
Semi-Pro, Musician, Audio Engineer, Studio One
Logic Pro EQ Plugins Explained
Everything you need to know!
another perfectly explained course by Eli. I can't stress enough how good he is at explaining things, perfect
Semi-Pro, Producer, Sound Designer, Sound for Film/TV, Logic Pro
Sound Design for TV, Film & Games
Where is the sound design?
This is a very basic overview of writing for TV, film and games and trailer music but there is no sound design here. It is just using libraries and adding some EQ, reverb, delay etc. You are not designing your own sounds.
oeksound bloom Explained
Larry is the man
An excellent overview of this exciting plug-in. Some excellent ideas provided for Bloom-in-use in the final video of this series. I already own Gulfoss, which is a fantastic plug-in intended for roughly similar uses, but Bloom brings with it mid-side functionality and more user-control, so it's definitely of interest. oeksound, fingers crossed, will have a sale within a few weeks...
Dorico 5.1 Update Explained
It's a great video tutorial.
Hobbyist, Semi-Pro, Producer, Audio Engineer, Ableton Live, Reaper, Studio One
Logic Pro X Advanced Vol 2
Thank you Eli.
Whenever I see "Eli Krantzberg" I know the course I will start will be gold.
His crystal clear way of explaining things is unmatched on this platform. Everything I studied from you was perfectly understood and this course is perfect for what I was looking for!
Thanks Eli, you did it again